Student Advisement
Student Advisement
The information below is separated by grade level and will assist students in planning their high school career and beyond. It is important that students understand and complete the requirements and checkpoints described below in order to advance through the academic curriculum at Northern Lehigh High School.
Freshmen (9th Grade)
Freshmen have the opportunity to meet with School Counselors on an individual basis when needed. If a 9th grader has failed a course for the year, he/she has the option to retake that class in the 10th grade year or retake the course over the summer through a correspondence program or summer school. Costs for the correspondence course or summer school are the responsibility of the student and/or parent/guardian. Lastly, to be promoted to 10th grade, a current 9th grader will have had to earn no less than 6.0 credits.
Sophomores (10th Grade)
Sophomores should have begun to explore their future in terms of college, employment, military, etc. Sophomores may consider taking the PSAT test (practice SAT) in October if interested in attending a post-secondary institution. If a 10th grader has failed a course for the year, he/she has the option to retake that class in the 11th grade year or retake the course over the summer through a correspondence program or summer school. Costs for the correspondence course or summer school are the responsibility of the student and/or parent/guardian. Students who attend LCTI will need to take failed core courses (English, Math, Science) through a correspondence program or summer program as their schedule at the high school will not permit retaking the course the following year. If the student chooses not to take the needed course(s) through correspondence or summer school, that student will not be permitted to return to LCTI in the fall and resume a full day schedule at the high school. Lastly, for a 10th grader to be promoted to 11th grade, 13 credits must have been earned during the first two years of high school.
Juniors (11th Grade)
Juniors should begin making decisions about attending college, trade/technical school, the armed services, or entering the work place. Juniors should take the PSAT test (practice SAT) in October if interested in attending a post-secondary institution. Scoring well on the PSAT may qualify them for the National Merit Scholarship program. Juniors should register to take the SAT or ACT in the spring and/or early fall of their senior year if attending college. Likewise, juniors interested in attending college should consider visiting these colleges/universities during the summer.
If an 11th grader has failed a course for the year, he/she has the option to retake that class in the 12th grade year or retake the course over the summer through a correspondence program or summer school. Costs for the correspondence course or summer school are the responsibility of the student and/or parent/guardian. Students who attend LCTI will need to take failed core courses (English, Math, or Social Studies) through correspondence or summer school as their schedule at the high school will not permit retaking the course the following year. If the student chooses not to take the needed course(s) through correspondence or summer school, that student will not be permitted to attend LCTI in the fall and should resume a full schedule at the high school. Lastly, for an 11th grader to be promoted to 12th grade, 18.0 credits must have been earned during their first three years of high school.
Seniors (12th Grade)
Seniors are close to concluding their last year at Northern Lehigh. Those seniors attending college, a trade school, or the armed services should be making this decision soon. Seniors need to complete a transcript release form for each school to which the student will be applying so that a transcript of grades can be mailed to the school. Please note, it is the student's responsibility to send their SAT/ACT scores to the college. We no longer put SAT/ACT scores on the student's transcript. Also, a final transcript release form must be completed at the end of the year so that a final transcript will be mailed to the college/university to which the student will be attending.
Seniors need a minimum of 26.00 credits to graduate. If a senior fails a core course, he/she will not graduate with the rest of class. In order to make-up a failed course(s), the student has the option of returning to Northern Lehigh in the fall or take the needed course(s) through a correspondence program. Costs for the correspondence course are the responsibility of the student and/or parent/guardian. Once the grade from the correspondence program is received, the Guidance Department will recalculate the student's credits and GPA and will release the diploma if all standards are met. Lastly, scholarship information for graduating seniors continues to be available in the guidance office or on the high school website. Applications for local scholarships, such as the NLHS scholarships are typically available late winter/early spring. Please remind your child to check Guidance or the website for newly listed scholarships.