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Testing (SAT, ACT, ASVAB)

Testing (SAT, ACT, ASVAB)

Please Note: The SAT, ACT, and PSAT do require payment. Students that receive free and reduced lunch are eligible for fee waivers. Fee waivers are provided in the counseling office.

SAT and ACT:

Both the SAT and ACT are widely recognized college admission tests that most colleges and universities use, in combination with other student criteria, to make college acceptance decisions. It is advised that college bound students take either the SAT or ACT during the spring of their junior year. During the fall of each year we talk with our juniors regarding these tests and more information is sent home. Students that receive free and reduced lunch are eligible for fee waivers. Fee waivers are provided in the guidance office.

The SAT tests students in the areas of reading, writing* and math and consists of analytical type questions. Students may register for the SAT at and take the SAT at various local school districts. Please be advised that registration deadlines for the SAT are four to five weeks before each test date. View this year’s test dates and registration deadlines here.

*Starting 2016 the writing section on the SAT will be optional.

The ACT tests students in the areas of English, reading, math, and science, as well as an optional writing section. Test questions are fairly straightforward and test students on material learned throughout schooling. Students may register for the ACT at and take the ACT at various local school districts. Please be advised that registration deadlines for the ACT fall approximately five weeks before each test date. View this year’s test dates and registration deadlines here.

SAT/ACT Prep Courses: Completely free prep site, 99th percentile instructors, 1000's of practice questions, and gamification elements Classes year-round at Muhlenberg College and Moravian Academy. Northern Lehigh students get a $100 discount. Phone: 610-730-4876

125 SAT Tips and Test-Taking Strategies | 125 ACT Tips and Test-Taking Strategies

ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery)

The ASVAB measures strengths, weaknesses, and potential for future success in the United States Armed Forced. Students who intend on entering the military are advised to take the ASVAB. It consists of 9 sections: general science, arithmetic reasoning, word knowledge, paragraph comprehension, mathematics knowledge, auto and shop information, electronic information, mechanic comprehension, and assembling objects. In addition to measuring future success in the Armed Forces, the ASVAB is also a useful tool for measuring students’ career interests. Students that are unsure about career pursuits may benefit from taking the ASVAB. Any student that is in 10th, 11th, or 12th grade and is interested in signing up for the ASVAB should visit the counseling office for additional information. Each year the test is offered at the high school, free of cost.

PSAT (Preliminary SAT)

Students who plan on taking the SAT are advised to first take the PSAT during the fall of their sophomore or junior year. The PSAT is administered during the month of October at Northern Lehigh High School. The PSAT provides detailed feedback on skills, gives access to scholarships and personalized online tools, and is excellent practice for the SAT. Students may sign-up for the PSAT in the guidance office.

Testing Resources & Forms