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Health Office

Health Office - Northern Lehigh Middle School

Mrs. Dawn Tulio

Mrs. Dawn Tulio
Middle School Nurse

Phone: 610-767-9812 - Opt. 4

Wellness & Fitness Excuses/Adaptive Physical Education

An approved excuse from wellness and fitness class can be obtained by presenting a note from parents to the school nurse (one day to one week). A physician's excuse is necessary for any period longer than one week. The note must then be given to your wellness and fitness instructor. A student must take Adaptive Wellness and Fitness even if the student provides a statement from the doctor indicating absolutely no physical activity of any type. An appropriate educational program must be adapted even if it entails all written- type work/assignments or spectator-type activities.


Staff may not administer any type of medication to a Student (including Aspirin). If, however, a prescribed medication must be administered, the School Nurse (subject to school policy) may perform the administration with the written permission of the student's parent or guardian. A SPECIAL FORM must be used for this purpose; it is available from the School Nurse (Reference: Pennsylvania Department of Health, 8/16/78). Students who do not follow this procedure will be considered in violation of the Northern Lehigh School District's Drug and Alcohol Policy.

The use of prescribed self-administering inhalers is permitted under the following conditions:

  1. A written request from parents/guardian that the School complies with the order of the physician, certified Registered Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant.
  2. A statement from the parent/guardian acknowledging that the school is not responsible for ensuring the medication is taken and relieving the district and its employees of responsibility for the benefits or consequences of the prescribed medication.
  3. A written statement from the Physician, certified Registered Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant that states: name of the drug, prescribed dosage, times medication may be taken, length of prescription, diagnosis or reason medication is needed (unless confidential), potential serious reaction or side effects of the medication, emergency response, and if the child is qualified and able to self-administer the medication.
  4. The student shall notify the School Nurse immediately following each use of the asthma inhaler. Violations of this policy shall result in the immediate confiscation of the asthma inhaler and medication and loss of privileges.
  5. Student must sign his/her medication sheet to acknowledge having taken the medication.


Students who are injured on school premises during the school day must report to the teacher/supervisor. An accident report must be filed. A student who is ill should report to the nurse. Students must have passes to report to the nurse unless the situation is an emergency. Students may be excused to go home only upon confirmation by the parents or guardians. Transportation shall be the responsibility of the parents unless the illness or injury is of an emergency nature.

Physical Examinations (Inter-Scholastic Sports)

All students who wish to participate in any interscholastic sport must have a physical examination before any practice sessions. Physicals given by a student's personal physician at the physician's office are the responsibility of the student and the parent.