Grease (1985)

  • Plot Synopsis:

    It's 1959 and Rydell high is filled with rebellious, thrill-loving students. In the midst of this scene, Sandy Dumbrowski enters as the new girl in school. It turns out that she and the leader of the Burger Palace Boys gang, Danny Zuko, have had a brief love affair the summer before. While Sandy stresses to her new classmates the emotional attachment she and Danny had, Danny stresses the physical aspects of their relationship. As the show goes on, the students at Rydell High have to deal with love, gang violence, teen pregnancy, and friendship.

  • Show Info and Crew Members:

    Show Dates: May 1, 2, 3, 4, 1985
    Director: Larry A. Williams
    Accompanists: Tammy Queen
    Dorothea Hemerly
    Choreographers: Cheryl Burke
    Susan Queen
    Costume Designer: Marie Roth
    Scene Design: Rick Eckhart


    Richard Gusick ... Danny Zuko
    Melisa Becker ... Sandy Dumbrowski
    Mike Leaver ... Kennickie
    Nicole Gilbert ... Betty Rizzo
    Kurt Pfeiffer ... Doody
    Donna Rowe ... Frenchy
    Shawn Green ... Roger
    LeAnn Blose ... Marty
    Matt Merkle ... Sonny
    Carole Minnich ... Jan
    Debbie Guess ... Patty Simcox
    Gina Turoscy ... Cha-Cha DiGregorio
    Jon Edman ... Eugene
    Steve Peters ... Johnny Casino
    Mike Maurer ... Teen Angel
    Ann Kisthardt ... Miss Lynch
    Mike Kistler ... Vince Fontaine

    Director's Notes:

    "Grease" is the word! "Grease" was the word in 1985. What a show! From the '57 Chevy rebuilt by Larry Merkle, Bob Frankel, and Jerry Hadinger and the 1950 set by Rick Eckhart to the 50's choreography by Cheryl Burke and Susie Queen, the audience and community didn't want the show to end. Neither did director Larry Williams or the cast of 60 led by Richard Gusick and Melisa Becker. It was one of the most enjoyable groups of students and parents to work with. Memories such as Nicole Gilbert and Mike Leaver's kissing scene, making a 3-point backup on stage with the '57 Chevy, Shawn Green as Rump, Anne Kisthardt as Miss Lynch, Steve Peters as Johnny Casino, and Shakin' at the High School Hop will never be forgotten.